Wedding Vows
An absolute requirement in any wedding ceremony are the vows, exchanged by the couple, in front of witnesses, signifying they take one another as husband and wife.
The words, which express the act of commitment, are often considered to be the most significant in the ceremony. They are those, which express “I choose you, I accept you having chosen me. I commit myself to you. The vows may also include mutual hopes for and commitment to happiness together. An understanding that the commitment will be secure as it is tested through periods of sadness, times of difficulty and seasons of disappointment. The vows are always a covenant “for better or for worse”
Your wedding vows will be the most intimate segment of your ceremony. With that in mind, your vows should come directly from your heart.
Traditionally, the vows state that you take each other for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health, etc. If these words describe exactly how you feel, then go with tradition. But if your heart is about to burst with sonnets of love, then, by all means share those feelings.
How you write your vows as a couple will vary depending on that to which you are the most comfortable. There are multiple variations of wedding vows and by studying the many wordings you will find language and content that you most want to express reflecting your own unique personalities and understandings. Some couples choose to write their own portions independently, keeping their vows confidential until they are face to face on the wedding day. Others prefer to write them together to create one unified message or they might first work on their own initially and then get together to craft the final version. I encourage you to do whatever works for you. We welcome your input and unique perspectives.(Click on the "CONFIRMED WEDDINGS" link on the left for a selection of Wedding Vows. Password required.)